Chile - Top 100+ Cities by Population

Population data by city is the population of the city itself, not the metro area. Data is as of 2011 estimates.

Rank CityCountryPopulation
49. Constitución Chile 37,917
10. Concepción Chile 215,413
92. Collipulli Chile 16,392
112. Coihueco Chile 7,346
45. Coihaique Chile 45,787
119. Cochrane Chile 2,867
105. Chonchi Chile 12,572
86. Chimbarongo Chile 17,356
18. Chillán Chile 150,396
121. Chile Chico Chile 2,500
31. Chiguayante Chile 82,545
115. Chaitén Chile 4,065
55. Cauquenes Chile 31,362
58. Castro Chile 29,926
89. Cartagena Chile 16,875
107. Carahue Chile 11,875
81. Cañete Chile 20,158
106. Calbuco Chile 12,490
19. Calama Chile 143,084
84. Cabrero Chile 18,327
104. Bulnes Chile 12,715
39. Buin Chile 55,441
14. Arica Chile 185,999
68. Arauco Chile 24,659
3. Antofagasta Chile 309,832
47. Angol Chile 44,856
61. Ancud Chile 28,020