Guatemala - Top 100+ Cities by Population

Population data by city is the population of the city itself, not the metro area. Data is as of 2011 estimates.

Rank CityCountryPopulation
211. Cahabón Guatemala 4,671
105. Cabricán Guatemala 11,946
210. Cabañas Guatemala 4,678
88. Barillas Guatemala 14,100
37. Barberena Guatemala 30,539
109. Atescatempa Guatemala 11,543
78. Asunción Mita Guatemala 15,608
28. Antigua Guatemala Guatemala 39,368
13. Amatitlán Guatemala 71,836
69. Alotenango Guatemala 17,410
107. Almolonga Guatemala 11,913
195. Aguacatán Guatemala 5,572
247. Agua Blanca Guatemala 2,776
174. Acatenango Guatemala 7,050