Romania - Top 100+ Cities by Population

Population data by city is the population of the city itself, not the metro area. Data is as of 2011 estimates.

Rank CityCountryPopulation
1,958. Zărand Romania 2,629
649. Zărneşti Romania 5,459
950. Zătreni Romania 4,524
1,437. Zăvoaia Romania 3,482
1,093. Zăvoi Romania 4,205
734. Zemeş Romania 5,171
2,593. Zerind Romania 1,442
605. Zetea Romania 5,670
877. Ziduri Romania 4,736
993. Zimandu Nou Romania 4,412
2,661. Zimbor Romania 1,262
2,403. Zîmbreasca Romania 1,871
123. Zimnicea Romania 15,228
278. Zlatna Romania 8,393
230. Zorleni Romania 9,511
2,681. Zorlenţu Mare Romania 1,176
494. Zvoriştea Romania 6,275