The World: Population (1951) - Top 100+

World Population: 2,593,857,892

Rank Country Population Year
205. Mayotte 22,099 1951
147. Mauritius 498,593 1951
133. Mauritania 1,013,753 1951
212. Marshall Islands 11,266 1951
155. Malta 312,646 1951
78. Mali 3,761,365 1951
176. Maldives 78,614 1951
56. Malaysia 6,581,839 1951
92. Malawi 2,866,038 1951
70. Madagascar 4,690,031 1951
126. Macedonia 1,255,619 1951
164. Macau 202,367 1951
156. Luxembourg 297,425 1951
99. Lithuania 2,561,579 1951
209. Liechtenstein 14,000 1951
134. Libya 989,591 1951
137. Liberia 843,231 1951
142. Lesotho 737,230 1951
123. Lebanon 1,401,246 1951
110. Latvia 1,950,888 1951
112. Laos 1,920,815 1951
113. Kyrgyzstan 1,767,107 1951
166. Kuwait 152,197 1951
140. Kosovo 779,414 1951
197. Kiribati 34,114 1951
59. Kenya 6,289,336 1951
54. Kazakhstan 6,936,060 1951
144. Jordan 584,172 1951
5. Japan 85,163,848 1951
122. Jamaica 1,405,615 1951
10. Italy 47,418,000 1951
117. Israel 1,489,998 1951
187. Isle of Man 53,860 1951
89. Ireland 2,959,311 1951
65. Iraq 5,299,983 1951
28. Iran 16,810,772 1951
6. Indonesia 84,113,760 1951
2. India 376,182,848 1951
169. Iceland 145,604 1951
36. Hungary 9,423,000 1951
108. Hong Kong 2,015,300 1951
119. Honduras 1,474,191 1951
86. Haiti 3,145,938 1951
151. Guyana 439,062 1951
145. Guinea-Bissau 576,948 1951
97. Guinea 2,624,584 1951
194. Guernsey 45,537 1951
87. Guatemala 3,065,784 1951
182. Guam 63,400 1951
177. Grenada 76,969 1951
204. Greenland 22,700 1951
51. Greece 7,646,402 1951
203. Gibraltar 23,219 1951
64. Ghana 5,436,555 1951
7. Germany 68,875,888 1951
80. Georgia 3,579,417 1951
160. Gaza Strip 247,821 1951
153. Gabon 418,227 1951
183. French Polynesia 63,000 1951
12. France 42,861,848 1951
75. Finland 4,047,300 1951
157. Fiji 295,212 1951
200. Federated States of Micronesia 31,674 1951
199. Faroe Islands 32,100 1951
25. Ethiopia 20,511,408 1951
131. Estonia 1,111,966 1951
121. Eritrea 1,420,279 1951
162. Equatorial Guinea 214,064 1951
109. El Salvador 1,989,756 1951
21. Egypt 21,704,444 1951
83. Ecuador 3,458,093 1951
150. East Timor 442,862 1951
103. Dominican Republic 2,419,125 1951
189. Dominica 52,316 1951
174. Djibouti 81,331 1951
73. Denmark 4,303,620 1951
32. Democratic Republic of the Congo 13,831,813 1951
40. Czech Republic 9,023,170 1951
146. Cyprus 502,520 1951
62. Cuba 5,891,797 1951
77. Croatia 3,859,830 1951
91. Cote d'Ivoire 2,918,070 1951
136. Costa Rica 895,336 1951
208. Cook Islands 14,955 1951
167. Comoros 150,937 1951
33. Colombia 11,965,000 1951
1. China 567,100,736 1951
60. Chile 6,251,933 1951
185. Channel Islands 57,451 1951
96. Chad 2,644,428 1951
125. Central African Republic 1,275,178 1951
217. Cayman Islands 6,399 1951
168. Cape Verde 150,651 1951
30. Canada 14,330,675 1951
67. Cameroon 4,947,090 1951
71. Cambodia 4,581,150 1951
104. Burundi 2,403,682 1951
72. Burkina Faso 4,422,822 1951
52. Bulgaria 7,258,200 1951
191. Brunei 47,632 1951