About Us - Geoba.se
About Geoba.se
Geoba.se is your single destination for finding geographic information about any point on Earth. Combining multiple sources of data into a single view, Geoba.se provides you with a gazetteer with key geographic information about a location. Where possible, we include:
- Location and elevation data
- Alternate names
- Timezone and current time
- County
- Population and Rankings
- The Qiblah (direction to Mecca)
- Current Conditions and forecasts
- Maps
- Nearby Wikipedia articles
- Nearby travel photos
- Nearby webcams
In addition, we maintain more than one million datapoints of population rankings and other statistics by country, with current information and projected data through 2050.
Geoba.se is part of Canty and Associates LLC and was developed as part of Weatherbase. Weatherbase is your one authoritative source for finding monthly weather records and averages for more than 26,939 cities worldwide. Climatological information is one of the most sought-after areas of weather information by Internet users. It can be used for advance event planning, finding vacation spots, and simply to satisfy curiosity.
Data Sources
Geoba.se collects and normalizes data from a number of public domain sources. These sources include the Geonames.org, the U.S. Census, The World Bank, The CIA World Factbook, YR.NO, the National Weather Service, Google and Yahoo data APIs and webcams.travel. This information gets culled, sanitized and organized for easy use by our readers.
Geoba.se's data is available for both data licensing and co-branding opportunities. If you are interested in integrating Weatherbase on your site, product or mobile application, please contact
Jennifer L. Canty.
CantyMedia was founded in 1999 as a sandbox for a self-described nerd to develop a user friendly website and his wife to hone her business school chops. It has evolved into a media company focused on developing products within underdeveloped niches. We specialize in the creating user friendly products for large subsets of previously unusable data. Our expertise is in leveraging our unique data processing algorithms, combined with good old-fashioned elbow grease, to clean, unify and normalize otherwise unusable data sources for easy use by Web and mobile users worldwide.
The products we develop are intended for use by media-driven websites seeking to install co-branded or self-contained vertical features on their sites. We also offer consulting services and data licensing.
802A Olde Georgetown Court
Great Falls, Virginia 22066
Phone: +1 (703) 879-6555