The World: Life Expectancy - Male (2014) - Top 100+

Rank Country Years Year
61. Mayotte 75.71 2014
117. Mauritius 71.71 2014
191. Mauritania 60 2014
129. Marshall Islands 70.42 2014
32. Malta 77.8 2014
215. Mali 52.26 2014
101. Maldives 72.86 2014
115. Malaysia 71.74 2014
214. Malawi 52.33 2014
178. Madagascar 62.64 2014
94. Macedonia 73.23 2014
3. Macau 81.52 2014
38. Luxembourg 76.77 2014
123. Lithuania 71.2 2014
10. Liechtenstein 79.52 2014
55. Libya 75.82 2014
201. Liberia 56.56 2014
213. Lesotho 52.55 2014
83. Lebanon 74.05 2014
153. Latvia 68.41 2014
184. Laos 61.54 2014
155. Kyrgyzstan 66.94 2014
46. Kuwait 76.37 2014
149. Kosovo 68.96 2014
175. Kiribati 63.03 2014
181. Kenya 62.06 2014
167. Kazakhstan 64.98 2014
18. Jordan 79 2014
4. Japan 81.13 2014
113. Jamaica 71.87 2014
11. Italy 79.4 2014
15. Israel 79.05 2014
12. Isle of Man 79.33 2014
26. Ireland 78.28 2014
134. Iraq 69.93 2014
145. Iran 69.32 2014
138. Indonesia 69.59 2014
158. India 66.68 2014
19. Iceland 78.98 2014
116. Hungary 71.73 2014
9. Hong Kong 79.54 2014
147. Honduras 69.24 2014
183. Haiti 61.77 2014
169. Guyana 64.04 2014
228. Guinea-Bissau 47.87 2014
197. Guinea 58.08 2014
7. Guernsey 79.72 2014
135. Guatemala 69.82 2014
57. Guam 75.78 2014
120. Grenada 71.24 2014
148. Greenland 69.15 2014
33. Greece 77.71 2014
48. Gibraltar 76.28 2014
189. Ghana 61.12 2014
28. Germany 78.15 2014
77. Georgia 74.36 2014
99. Gaza Strip 72.9 2014
220. Gabon 51.54 2014
73. French Polynesia 74.54 2014
25. France 78.33 2014
50. Finland 76.24 2014
139. Fiji 69.53 2014
131. Federated States of Micronesia 70.34 2014
34. Faroe Islands 77.61 2014
206. Ethiopia 54.67 2014
151. Estonia 68.85 2014
186. Eritrea 61.36 2014
179. Equatorial Guinea 62.43 2014
124. El Salvador 70.9 2014
125. Egypt 70.82 2014
90. Ecuador 73.4 2014
161. East Timor 66.46 2014
62. Dominican Republic 75.6 2014
86. Dominica 73.63 2014
193. Djibouti 59.93 2014
41. Denmark 76.68 2014
204. Democratic Republic of the Congo 55.03 2014
75. Czech Republic 74.48 2014
64. Cyprus 75.54 2014
54. Cuba 75.92 2014
103. Croatia 72.81 2014
200. Cote d'Ivoire 56.9 2014
63. Costa Rica 75.59 2014
108. Cook Islands 72.56 2014
188. Comoros 61.23 2014
111. Colombia 72.08 2014
95. China 73.09 2014
71. Chile 74.97 2014
13. Channel Islands 79.22 2014
227. Chad 48.3 2014
223. Central African Republic 50.06 2014
24. Cayman Islands 78.33 2014
144. Cape Verde 69.32 2014
14. Canada 79.07 2014
208. Cameroon 54.38 2014
187. Cambodia 61.35 2014
196. Burundi 58.32 2014
212. Burkina Faso 52.77 2014
126. Bulgaria 70.74 2014
76. Brunei 74.46 2014